Saturday, May 12, 2012

To FEEL Alive

In-box, Twitter texts, Facebook
All trying to capture my interest

Going this way, then that
Leaves me feeling scattered, isolated and asking “Am I all that?”

I want to FEEL…
Feel deeply
Feel alive
Feel something
The pulse of aliveness running through me

I open the windows to let life in
The birds are singing, nature is purposely hustling
The breeze moves through what appears still

I go outside, breath in the fresh air
My senses start to awaken

I feel alive again
The air on my face
The cold breeze on my legs
My lungs expanding and contracting
As I breathe so deep
Expanding my long legs up the steep sand dune

I no longer feel alone
I feel alive, sharing life with those around me
The birds, the trees, the bugs

The sand wet in my toes
Water gushing on the shore
I feel full

Winding my way back on a muddy trail, mush under my toes
Wet, fresh, green everywhere
I feel God, life’s connected energy forces, filling me

I am happy, FEELING so ALIVE

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