Wednesday, January 13, 2010


2009 was fine.
2010, it's time to begin.

In you there's something inside
That sees possibility and is willing to go for the ride.

Identify your strengths, your wishes and speak them.

What you have to offer, to teach, inspire
Could touch someone's heart and ignite their fire.

What will you let go of this year?
Should's, have-to's and fear?

What do you want to embrace?
Your truth, trusting yourself, confidence, courage?

It's divine order this year that you find your depth,
and seek the courage to take the next step.

How could you be more bold and courageous?
It might be in kindness or braveness.

To be alive and see the good in all.
Is how we can grow and not play small.

Waking up to your gifts that you are meant to share
Can be an act of service in our world - if only you dare.

Possibility, choice, belief
Let yourself turn over a new leaf.