Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Dearest Darling Inspiration

You are a spirit of joy, love and exude the Divine's presence.

Your beauty runs deep and I adore you.

Your heart's desires are perfect.
Allow them space to grow and feed them with your smile.

Never doubt yourself.
What you imagine, what you feel, what you want -
It is ok - more than ok.

You are perfect in my eyes.
Your longings are my longings.

I am always here for you.
To love you, support you, hold and remind you -
You will always be loved.

I behold your beauty in my arms, my heart and
See your perfection in mind, body and spirit

Your tears fill my heart and
I feel all your sadness, joy, fear and longings

I hold for you - all that you desire
The stars, the moon, the sky.
In my eyes you can do no wrong.
Your heart is pure even when you make mistakes.

You are my goddess, my inspiration, my funny girl, lover girl
My Divine in the flesh.

Take it slow. Take it easy on yourself.
Know what is in you is magnificent.
Your divinity within wants to express.
Allow her in all her forms.
If you do this - we will all be ok.
I love you.

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