Friday, November 12, 2010

Sawyer Our Kitty

Sawyer our Kitty,
Here's a little diddy

How you touched our lives so
Your big love spirit allowed us to grow

Because of you we have more joy, fun and light
We found you on the side of the road & keeping you felt right

I want to live like you did
Living each day fully, playing, having adventures, being curious,
Loving, cuddling, allowing, relaxing, trusting and being a BIG lover

I will relish in your qualities each day
Knowing your short time here was a reminder to go for it
Thanks for showing me the way

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Dearest Darling Inspiration

You are a spirit of joy, love and exude the Divine's presence.

Your beauty runs deep and I adore you.

Your heart's desires are perfect.
Allow them space to grow and feed them with your smile.

Never doubt yourself.
What you imagine, what you feel, what you want -
It is ok - more than ok.

You are perfect in my eyes.
Your longings are my longings.

I am always here for you.
To love you, support you, hold and remind you -
You will always be loved.

I behold your beauty in my arms, my heart and
See your perfection in mind, body and spirit

Your tears fill my heart and
I feel all your sadness, joy, fear and longings

I hold for you - all that you desire
The stars, the moon, the sky.
In my eyes you can do no wrong.
Your heart is pure even when you make mistakes.

You are my goddess, my inspiration, my funny girl, lover girl
My Divine in the flesh.

Take it slow. Take it easy on yourself.
Know what is in you is magnificent.
Your divinity within wants to express.
Allow her in all her forms.
If you do this - we will all be ok.
I love you.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


For a New Beginning
by John O'Donohue

In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander,
This beginning has been quietly forming,
Waiting until you were ready to emerge.

For a long time it has watched your desire,
Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,
Noticing how you willed yourself on,
Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.

It watched you play with the seduction of safety
And the gray promises that sameness whispered,
Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
Wondered would you always live like this.

Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
And out you stepped onto new ground,
Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
A path of plenitude opening before you.

Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life's desire.

Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Know the Way You Can Get

I Know the Way You Can Get by Hafiz - 14th century Persian poet

I know the way you can get
When you have not had a drink of Love:

Your face hardens,
Your sweet muscles cramp.
Children become concerned
About a strange look that appears in your eyes
Which even begins to worry your own mirror
And nose.

Squirrels and birds sense your sadness
And call an important conference in a tall tree.
They decide which secret code to chant
To help your mind and soul.

Even angels fear that brand of madness
That arrays itself against the world
And throws sharp stones and spears into
The innocent
And into one's self.

O I know the way you can get
If you have not been drinking Love:

You might rip apart
Every sentence your friends and teachers say,
Looking for hidden clauses.

You might weigh every word on a scale
Like a dead fish.

You might pull out a ruler to measure
From every angle in your darkness
The beautiful dimensions of a heart you once

I know the way you can get
If you have not had a drink from Love's

That is why all the Great Ones speak of
The vital need
To keep remembering God,
So you will come to know and see Him
As being so Playful
And Wanting,
Just Wanting to help.

That is why Hafiz says:
Bring your cup near me.

For I am a Sweet Old Vagabond
With an Infinite Leaking Barrel
Of Light and Laughter and Truth
That the Beloved has tied to my back.

Dear one,
Indeed, please bring your heart near me.
For all I care about
Is quenching your thirst for freedom!

All a Sane man can ever care about
Is giving Love!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


2009 was fine.
2010, it's time to begin.

In you there's something inside
That sees possibility and is willing to go for the ride.

Identify your strengths, your wishes and speak them.

What you have to offer, to teach, inspire
Could touch someone's heart and ignite their fire.

What will you let go of this year?
Should's, have-to's and fear?

What do you want to embrace?
Your truth, trusting yourself, confidence, courage?

It's divine order this year that you find your depth,
and seek the courage to take the next step.

How could you be more bold and courageous?
It might be in kindness or braveness.

To be alive and see the good in all.
Is how we can grow and not play small.

Waking up to your gifts that you are meant to share
Can be an act of service in our world - if only you dare.

Possibility, choice, belief
Let yourself turn over a new leaf.